


Pypi Package Viphoneme: Phonetization, Convert Vietnamese Grapheme to IPA. I did this project in my 3rd year of college, which converts raw text to phonemes of sound so that speech AI models can learn, this package is accessible and used by most projects Voice research project in Vietnam (not production)


Python - NSW package for Vietnamese: Normalization system to convert numbers, abbreviations, and words that cannot be pronounced into syllables. I worked on this project at AILAB with an outstanding friend in APCS Program. Originally written in C++ then packaged into python for ease of use in research projects

Synthetic Speech Attribution - 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Cup

Fake synthetic speech audio tracks can be generated through a wide variety of available methods. Given an audio recording representing a synthetically generated speech track, to detect which method among a list of candidate ones has been used to synthesize the speech.

CUDA programing language

CUDA is architecture and programming model developed by NVIDIA to run parallel computing on graphics processing units (GPUs) CUDA is the acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture