DeepSpeechVC: Voice Cloning Framework with Speech Synthesis and Voice Conversion - Experiment with Speech2Speech techniques to make voice conversion from a small sample of the target speakers
Published in Thesis, 2021
Authors: Tri-Nhan Do, Minh-Tri Nguyen under the advice of Prof. Vu Hai Quan, Msc. Xuan-Nam Cao
Speech processing is an important research area in the field of artificial intelligence,alongside computer vision and natural language processing. Speech synthesis has been studied since the late 1950s, through the stages, the voice becomes more and more intelligent and natural like a human and can run in real-time and on devices. However, there are still many problems that need to be solved before they can be put into practice. One of them is the problem of voice cloning, which helps to synthesize a person’s voice with only an audio sample, in addition, we can extract the speaker’s features to be able to switch that person’s language. In this thesis, we proceed to build a voice cloning framework for Vietnamese. The framework will be a pipeline that includes many speech processing modules such as voice conversion, mel-generator, vocoder and speaker encoder. We experimented on SOTA models of the E2E Speech Synthesis, including mel-spectrogram generators such as Tacotron2, Fastspeech2, MelGAN, GlowTTS, and vocoders including Wave-glow, HifiGAN, then applied these models to Vietnamese. These models have been optimized to be able to run on Android devices without internet and GPU. For the voice conversion module, we have proposed a new method based on AutoVC and Deepspeech2, then conducted an evaluation to compare with international models in English, the result is much improved compared to the AutoVC model and therefore, this new method is also integrated into this framework. For each module, we choose the best method based on training time, model size, MOS score, real-time performance, GPU utils, then combine with other modules of the framework to form an end-to-end pipeline that can perform voice cloning. To evaluate the quality of cloned voice, we compared the pipeline using our method, which is voice cloning with voice conversion based on Deepspeech2, and the pipeline with voice conversion module using AutoVC. Our DeepSpeechVC framework results have a mel cepstral distortion of 11.90, better than the one using AutoVC with a result of The new proposed voice conversion model helps to create the foundation for the study of Vietnamese voice cloning, the phoneme conversion and text standardization libraries are provided, these libraries can run on cross-platform (C++, Python, Android NDK) and have been practically applied in industrial products.